Tag Archives: moral of the story

A Cautionary Tale

I am sitting here typing with difficulty as yesterday I sliced the tip of my finger almost right off. You know what it’s like at this time of year-so many things to do and you’re thinking about the next one before you’re finished the last one.

Yesterday’s schedule was
-get the bathrooms cleaned,
-go on the mail and grocery run,
-make the dinner and some shortbread
-be ready for the bookkeeper at 3 to get us set up for MYOB Live
-leave at 5.30pm for Maroochy Baptist Christmas Lights where I am opening and closing the curtains at the musical production .

All went well till I started slicing the veges for the ratatouille. I was using the mandolin slicer and not 10 seconds before it happened remember thinking to myself ‘got to be careful with this-don’t want any accidents’ then next thought was about something else and SLICE- there goes the top pad on my right pointer finger…..fortunately still hanging on with a bit of skin so after the initial scream and John looking at it and rinsing it then the tissue over the top to try to stop it bleeding a bit,we put it back on and bandaged it up.

So no shortbread made, every time I do anything I bang it and nearly go through the roof and I’m wondering how on earth I’m going to manage a shower this morning 😦 when I have to turn the taps on etc with the right hand.

John reckons the moral of the story is don’t let me near anything sharp ( I have a history) but I say that especially at this busy time of year the moral is DON’T allow other things to take your attention away when you are doing potentially dangerous things like
* cooking
* driving
* crossing roads
* moving heavy things etc

It only takes a moment for something unexpected to happen


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